Team Six First meeting

Report of Team 6 initial meeting 1st February 2012

Present: Julian Beckton (JB), Joss Winn (JW) Paul Stainthorp (PS) and Jamie Mahoney (JM)

Project Establishment: Team meetings

We agreed we would hold team meetings on the first Wednesday of each month until the end of the project, with additional meetings to be arranged if they proved necessary). The provisional calendar of meetings is therefore

Wednesday 7th March
Wednesday 4th April
Wednesday 2nd May
Wednesday 6th June
Wednesday 4th July
Wednesday 1st August
Wednesday 5th September
Wednesday 3rd October

All meetings to be held at 2.p.m in the CERD offices. These are provisional and can be changed if necessary

JB to add these to Google Calendar

Team blog/web site

There is already a blog site available on and we felt it more appropriate to use this than create an additional site. If any team member wishes to post a blog entry, log into the blog site and ensure that the post is categorised as Team Six. Team meeting reports will be posted in this way.

Action JB to check that all members of the team have authoring rights

Workshop Programme

We agreed that initially we would offer four workshops

  1. Licensing and Copyright (JW)
  2. Hosting your OERs (JW/JB)
  3. Using Xerte to develop OERs (JB)
  4. Discovering OERs (and getting your OERs discovered) (TBA)

Action JB to circulate the other teams with requests for suitable dates. PS suggested that the library room 101 would be very suitable for these events and offered to book it as soon as dates were known

Team Six Services

We discussed what we could offer the other teams and came up with the following

Advice on Copyright/Licensing
Advice on ensuring that all parts of an OER are properly open (granularity)
Documentation and blog posts
JW pointed out that much of the information already existed and it was really a matter of discovering it and re-purposing it for the project. (see related links below)
We also felt that we could usefully produce a helpful glossary of terms and acronyms which we could make available to the other teams.
We discussed the production of a walkthrough guide for creating OERs, metadata and licensing, and what format it might take. JW mentioned some specific presentation software that a colleague had used for this, and that he felt might be useful. (see related links)


  1. JB/PS to conduct a literature search and produce a useful bibliography, glossary and guide for the other teams and post it on the blog.
  2. JM to investigate the walkthrough presentation software and build a short presentation using it

Residential Meeting. 22/23rd March

JB reminded everyone of the importance of this event, although it clashes with a meeting for another project that at least one team member (possibly two) is obliged to attend. JB to find out if it is possible for these colleagues to attend on the 22nd only.

We were unable to identify a student to come along, but given the slightly different and more technical role of Team Six we felt that it might be difficult for a student to make a meaningful contribution.

Related links:

OER Synthesis and evaluation:

OER Infokit:

Presentation software:

About Julian Beckton

Julian is part of the team responsible for bringing the Blackboard upgrade on line, and can answer questions you might have on the changes to the layout of the Blackboard screen and on the new features available